Regulation Boundary:
Gulf of Mexico Federal WatersRequired License(s):
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Angling PermitSynonyms:
Thunnus thynnusAnglers are prohibited from targeting bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico. This area is a bluefin tuna spawning ground.
HMS Angling or HMS Charter/Headboat permit holders may retain one "trophy" bluefin tuna (>73") per vessel per year from the Gulf of Mexico, if it is caught incidentally while targeting other species, and provided the "trophy" category subquota in the Gulf of Mexico is available at the time of harvest (see below).
For additional regulations and bag limits, see the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Recreational Bag Limits webpage
Bluefin tuna retention limits may change throughout the season. To confirm current limits, call 1-888-872-8862 or 1-978-281-9260.
Anglers must report all recreational bluefin tuna landings. Report all non-tournament recreational Atlantic bluefin tuna landings to NMFS within 24 hours by calling 1-888-872-8862 or
Fishing for highly migratory species recreationally requires an HMS Angling or Charter/Headboat vessel permit from NOAA Fisheries. Permits are available by calling 1-888-872-8862, or by visiting No sale permitted for HMS species caught under an HMS Angling Permit.
For complete HMS regulations contact NOAA Fisheries HMS Management Division at 1-301-427-8503 or visit