No Location Set

Sturgeon, Atlantic and shortnose

Additional Information

It is unlawful to harvest, possess, land, purchase, sell, or exchange this species.

Regulation Boundary:

Highly Migratory Species

Required License(s):

Shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon are protected under the Endangered Species Act. Under the ESA, it is illegal, to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect these animals.


Acipenser brevirostrumAcipenser oxyrinchus
If you catch a sturgeon, keep the fish in the water while you remove the hook or, if the hook is deep, cut the line as close to the hook as possible. Removing the fish from the water, including for taking pictures, is strictly prohibited. For more information, visit NOAA Fisheries Service at NOAA Fisheries Atlantic Sturgeon.