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Additional Information

Regulation Boundary:

FL Boca Grande

Required License(s):

Tarpon Tag required to posess or harvest




Megalops atlanticus
Tarpon is a catch-and-release only fishery. Hook and line only.

One tarpon tag per person per year may be purchased when in pursuit of an International Game Fish Association (IGFA) record. Vessel, transport and shipment limited to one fish.

Fishing with gear that has a weight attached to a hook, artificial fly or lure in such a way that the weight hangs lower than the hook when the line or leader is suspended vertically from the rod is PROHIBITED. This applies all year to all fishing within Boca Grande Pass. If this gear is on board a fishing vessel while inside Boca Grande Pass, it cannot be attached to any rod, line or leader and must be stowed. Natural bait is not considered to be a weight. If the jig fishes in an illegal manner it is prohibited. Any jig that allows the attached weight to slip down the shank so that it hangs lower than the hook while the line or leader is suspended vertically from the rod is prohibited, and must be stowed so it is not readily accessible.

During the months of April, May and June, no more than three fishing lines may be deployed from a vessel at any one time. During the months of April, May and June, no person shall use, fish with, or place in the water any breakaway gear.

Anglers are allowed to temporarily possess a Tarpon for photography, measurement of length and girth and scientific sampling. Tarpon more than 40 inches long MUST REMAIN IN THE WATER.

Florida tarpon regulations extend into federal waters.

For more info, see MyFWC Tarpon FAQs
1Bag Limit
1Vessel Limit